We are giving intractable children with medical care needs and their families a We are giving a dream trip to Tokyo to children with incurable diseases who need medical care and their families.
115sick children111family Total532
As of January 29, 2025
We at A Dream A Day invite families with medically-cared or time-sensitive seriously ill children who require 24-hour care and their families to travel to Tokyo and create fun memories for the whole family. The most unique feature of our business is that we prepare a fully customized trip for every family. We prepare trips that incorporate the dreams of the entire family, including desired destinations and negotiations with celebrities they would like to meet.
Suspension of Travel Application and Resumption of Travel Invitation
Although we have received the Health Culture Award and the Yomiuri Welfare Culture Award, we have been unable to provide sufficient support activities for about three years due to the outbreak of the new coronavirus infection, and we have stopped accepting new applications at this time.
However, since the restrictions on activities due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection have been eased, we will continue to monitor the outbreak status of the coronavirus and take sufficient infection control measures before conducting our activities.
First, we will invite sick children and families who have already applied and are waiting for the trip.
We will contact the waiting families in due course, and will resume accepting new applications after confirming the status of the invitations.
Suspended Business of Travel Invitation
Due to the spread of the new corona infection, our travel business is currently suspended. During the suspension of travel invitations, we are implementing a project to deliver gifts to sick children and their families. More details, including the opening of the online café, will be available on this website.
Special Supporter
We are grateful for the continued support from IKKA AKINARI. We deeply appreciate their heartwarming support.
To The Families
Who we are
Request for Support
We look forward to supporting as many people as possible.
More than 150,000 children in Japan have serious illnesses or disabilities
The number of children in need of ventilator management and expectoration (children with medical care) has been increasing year by year along with the progress of medical care, and the number has exceeded 17,000 nationwide. Because of the 24-hour care that is essential for children with medical care, it is difficult for them to travel with their families, let alone go out on daily outings.

There is no rest for the nursing and mothers tend to lack sleep.
Siblings who are often reserved from spoiling their parents and are easy targets for bullying and teasing at school.
It is not only the sick child who has a difficult time in daily life, but the whole family can easily lose touch with society.
We look forward to supporting as many people as possible in realizing the dreams of these sick children and their families.
Our activities are supported by your donations.
Please support us in realizing the dreams of children with incurable diseases and their families.