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Mail Address(for confirmation)

※We will not disclose, provide, sell, or share the information entered in this form with any third party without the user’s consent. We will not disclose or provide the information to any third party beyond the necessary scope.

Privacy Policy

The nonprofit organization [A Dream A Day in Tokyo] (henceforth called “This NPO”) is committed to the privacy policy as stated below in order to ensure the peace of mind of all visitors, who are using the hospitality guesthouse managed by this NPO.

1.Regarding information obtained from visitors using the hospitality guesthouse

  • This NPO will obtain personal information in a legal and fair way and will not use it against the intentions of the users in any dishonest way.
  • Besides the information obtained from the user, this NPO may also obtain information related to the user in a proper way from third parties who have proper records.

2.Regarding the purpose of use of the information

  • This NPO will obtain personal information in a legal and fair way and will not use it against the intentions of the users in any dishonest way.
  • When necessary, it may be used by this NPO to contact the users in cases other than the ones stated above.
  • The information may also be used by people related to this NPO, such as officials from the facilities, supporters, volunteers and assistants.

3.Information disclosure and provision

  • Information related to the users, either provided by the users or becoming known through the operation of services, (referred to together as “information related to the users”) will not be disclosed, provided, sold or shared with third parties without prior consent from the users. The information will also not be provided to third parties more than necessary.

4.Management of information

  • Information related to the users managed or collected by this NPO will be managed appropriately in order to provide hospitality guesthouse services to the users.
  • This NPO will treat personal information included in the user information, as well as the privacy of communication in compliance with the Private Information Protection Law and other related laws and regulations as well as other guidelines related to personal information.


A Dream A Day in Tokyo Nonprofit organization
5-8-31-M1, Kinuta, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 157-0073
Fax: 03-6411-1407

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